''never judge a book by it's cover '' this idiom perfectly applied on the Mumbai .as a financial capital of world ' s fifth largest economy - Mumbai has always remained the hub of employment and opportunities  and that is the reason behind the migration of youth and wage workers in a largest number in the greater Mumbai to the comparison of any part of  India . but the issue that-is Mumbai in a position to give the shelter to the 22 million people ? and the answer is NO. 

    a picture of slum

present day over the 9 million people live in the slums which is around the 41.3% of whole population of Mumbai city and the worst is that these slums covered only 12.5% 0f total Mumbai 's geography  . so we can conceptualize the way of live in these slums .one of the most famous slums of Mumbai is DGARAVI which is the world third biggest and populated slum follow by Khayelitsha in cape town and Kibera in Nairobi .it seems astonishing that  Dharavi has only 520 acres land or 2.1 Square Kilometres and despite of this it is home of more than 1 million  .... mostly are below than poverty line .with a population density of 8,69,565 sq per mile ,Dharavi is one of the most densely populated area in the world .but what are the causes that  forced to live individuals their whole life in this debris and unmanaged slums .the  biggest reason is the skyrocket  prices of land in Mumbai . the rent of 1BHK in Mumbai is approximate 25,000 to 30,000 and the selling price of 1BHK flat or apartment is about 1.5 cr to 2 cr . this is sarcastic or ironically that in spite of having the highest numbers of vacant [ 0.48 million ] flats in Mumbai among all the cities in India ...... the people have to compelling for leading such a shameful life .

wage workers in Dharavi



habitually , a slum recognize as a highly populated urban residential area with unplanned housing system, unhygienic , unemployment, shortage of basic amenities and vulnerability to communicable or non communicable diseases . Dharavi manifest all these features or may be something more than it . Dharavi 's lane are very straits that hardly a person with a two wheeler may pass through it and some streets are such narrows that it will be challenge  to cross it by a human being  . there is only one main road named 90 feet road which become half in width in comparison to its name . you can see congestion or heavy traffic on this abandon road any time . like any another slum Dharavi also hold dearth of basic facilities like scarcity of water, power shortage ,unhealthy living condition , unmanaged medical facility and diseases. other biggest complication of Dharavi is overcrowding which is the root its all problems. high fertility rate and uncontrolled migration have made is a highly congested area . we can see the families and the cattle lived together in a house. you would discover that each family has almost 9-10 person and the numbers of rooms hardly you find more than two and mostly houses have not toilets.  people have to used public Toilets which always throw stench and also put question mark on the woman security . 

so we can imagine how much atrocious life exists in Dharavi. In Dharavi. they are living a monotonous life which don't have any respect, punctuality ,education, happiness ,wealth ,creativity.  children can be see playing in lanes , in factories , and anywhere . they have not any gadgets or any other game but still they are happy .... perhaps they are unaware with the reality that in future they have to spend there whole lives in this tenantable place . if you go to Dharavi ,then you would find the diseases are very common  in Dharavi like malaria, typhoid ,viral ,cancer patients ,skin problem  and many other rare illness. lack of planned sewer system and lanes clogging with human waste made the perfect condition for the breeding of mosquitoes ,flies , rodents, insects and other diseases carrying vectors. open lanes with untreated sewage waste have led to stinking and foul smell . sometimes this sewage water mixed with drinking water supply and do contaminated it with a yellow - black colour and bed smell. due to poverty , a large number of population of Dharavi  is failed to fulfill the demand of a healthy  and nutritious food . malnutrition is common in newborn or in children and pregnant women .lack of a healthy lifestyle and unapproachable to the nutritious food push the children into mental disorder like intellectual disability , hearing deficiency , multiple disorder and physical disabilities In Dharavi. 

shanty town of Dharavi
water shortage is normal in slums



Now the question arise that what the local residents of Dharavi think about their bullshet condition of living . by watching and analyzing the vlogs of tourists ,the first thought or idea come in the mind is that the lives of Dharavi is not simple. specially for women and girls, it is too complex whom not only have to fulfill the demands of whole family of food and water but also secure themselves from the gully boys , crime , prostitution , Vandalism  and other deviant behavior .people lives are spoiled with  unhappiness , sad , desperate. the dark light in huts of slums metaphor the darkness of their lives . but it seems that people are happy in Dharavi because they acknowledge the fact that imotions, family support and humanity is bigger than material pleasures and wealth . they have made themselves slum's environment friendly and now they have learnt how to manage life in dearth of facilities .

happiness don't come with money, Dharavi's children show it 


No doubt that individuals of Dharavi is not living a life ,they are only surviving . the government ' s policies or development programs  always remained disadvantageous for the Dharavi . it seem very ironically or ridiculous to see a dark black spot in between the busy and fast tracking  life of economic hub Mumbai which express a dark side of Mumbai and worth of living in Mumbai. so there is need to increase one step towards sustainable development which sure the equal opportunities for all of us with equal participation in society resources and nation income.

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